Unleashing Leadership: Unlocking Greatness and Embracing Change

Infinite Thinking

January 10, 2024 Travis Maus Season 4 Episode 103
Infinite Thinking
Unleashing Leadership: Unlocking Greatness and Embracing Change
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Unleashing Leadership: Unlocking Greatness and Embracing Change
Infinite Thinking
Jan 10, 2024 Season 4 Episode 103
Travis Maus

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Escape the shackles of finite thinking and step into a world where possibilities are boundless! Our latest episode challenges the traditional mindset that has us playing small, and instead, we explore the expansive terrain of infinite thinking. As your host, I guide you through a transformational journey where leadership reaches new heights, tapping into an abundance mentality that shapes a future brimming with hope and community. Forget feeling like a victim of circumstance; it's time to rewrite the narrative of your life and leadership.

Buy "The Infinite Game" Here


Looking for more? Get in touch with Travis!

📧 Send him an email at tmaus@nqrmedia.com

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Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

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Escape the shackles of finite thinking and step into a world where possibilities are boundless! Our latest episode challenges the traditional mindset that has us playing small, and instead, we explore the expansive terrain of infinite thinking. As your host, I guide you through a transformational journey where leadership reaches new heights, tapping into an abundance mentality that shapes a future brimming with hope and community. Forget feeling like a victim of circumstance; it's time to rewrite the narrative of your life and leadership.

Buy "The Infinite Game" Here


Looking for more? Get in touch with Travis!

📧 Send him an email at tmaus@nqrmedia.com

💻 For more resources, visit https://www.nqrmedia.com/unleashing-leadership

To access Travis' complete book list, visit his store here

Speaker 1:

You. This is unleashing leadership and I'm your host, travis Moss. And welcome to infinite thinking. We left off the last episode wrapping up Defining what finite thinking was. We're gonna clean that up a little bit more too as we talk about what actually infinite thinking is. Remember we left off that finite thinking as bookending.

Speaker 1:

Whatever that you're doing, it's kind of stubborn, predetermined limitations based on the desire for control and simplicity. It's kind of inherent to people in general, or especially to our society today. Finite starts and ends and it has defined rules. Everything happens within the box. There's a predetermined balance of winners and losers. It keeps everything fair.

Speaker 1:

So, simply said, the paradigm shift that Simon is talking about Is that finite thinking is about scarcity and infinite thinking is about abundance. Scarcity means that there's a limited supply and if you don't get a piece today, that you're going to mess out. It's fear driven and selfishly oriented. If I don't buy park places time around the monopoly board, it won't be available next time I come around. There'll never be another one like it. Abundance means that there is more and if you don't get a piece today, you'll have another opportunity in the future. I go around the board and I don't buy a park place. Next time around, maybe that park place is purchased, but I can build a new park place. It's driven by will and hope and oriented towards community. So we've got fear driven and selfishly oriented scarcity, which is finite. Then we've got will, hope and community orientation. Abundance, which is infinite.

Speaker 1:

Finite thinking is easy because it's limiting we, when we have to think beyond our ability to calculate, things become hard. Finite thinking limits the time. It limits the rules. It limits the players. It limits the outcome. It limits the complexity Remember, team of teams, complex versus complicated Finite thinking is complicated. Infinite thinking is complex. So we like finite thinking. We have a natural draw to finite thinking.

Speaker 1:

Do you know anyone who's frustrated? Where they are in life today, where they are with their job, where they are with their Family, where they are with their community, whatever it is, and they say that it's impossible to change a scenario? It's just not fair. The odds are stacked against them. They've bought into finite thinking. They think that there's nothing that they can do to change their situation. I don't have enough money. Since I don't have enough money, I can't move them Overwater. What do they call underwater at my house? So I can't sell my house and move. My boss is horrible. The industry sucks, whatever it is. I went to school for this and there's no jobs anymore for that. It's akin to always being a victim, as if one of the players is a player and you're a broken person. And that's not real. That's in your head. It's not. It's not how the world actually works.

Speaker 1:

The reason why many people won't agree with Simon's concept of the infinite game and we did three whole episodes and really just you know the first day things that came up when I googled his work is that they've already been convinced that this is wasteful thinking. Somebody already put it in their head. This is wasteful thinking. Life is just hard and there's no way for it to be better. The system is rigged against us. It's systemic. We hear that all the time. Now Somebody already smashed their will and hope. Somebody already took it away for them. Either they did it to themselves, a parent did it to them, a colleague did it to them, an influencer did it to them. Somebody planted an idea in their head that created an environment of fearing selfishness. I'll never have it. I'll never have an opportunity. In today's world, most of us will have to consciously choose to be optimistic, to look at the world as what it can be, not what somebody tells us. It is to strip away invisible barriers while others are screaming in discomfort and what I mean by screaming in discomfort.

Speaker 1:

When you start doing things that people think, remember, are reading between the lines of the rule book they're not cheating, but they're not obviously stated you will embarrass people. They're embarrassed by being shown up by you because they thought that they were the intelligent ones. They thought they were the ones with the common sense. So how can they be wrong? How can you be right? And the fact is there's no rule in the rule book that says you can't do something a certain way. Quite often, there's just people who refuse to look between the lines. Business is a lot like a game, but unlike the games that we play in our free time for entertainment, it is a game that has no boundaries. There is no rule book to business. They write books about it, rules of business and all that kind of stuff. You go to school for it, but there is no real rule book. There's best practices, there's theories. Every time a great business comes to be, it's because they broke them all.

Speaker 1:

We need to stop acting like we know everything and like we have all the answers and we need to open ourselves up to possibility, and possibility doesn't live in finite land. I mentioned that infinite thinking is about abundance and that abundance is driven by will and hope and oriented towards community. Well, will is about doing. It's about getting off your ass and trying to make a difference. It's about the future. It's about choosing, and you have choice.

Speaker 1:

Hope is about trust. It's about belief. It's about looking for something. Community is about more than one, more than me, more than I, more than you. It's about commonality. It's about heritage, and the only thing that can limit your will or your hope that there is a better way to do things is you personally. No way can limit your desire to try or your desire to believe that you can do something. You limit that, you allow it to happen, even if somebody tells you over and over and over again you can't do it, you're not good enough. You allow yourself to believe them and it's because you're believing you're looking at things from a finite perspective, the only thing holding your community back from something better, from being a place where young people want to come live again, from being a place where people are happy, from being a place that doesn't have as much violence or crime, selfish, finite thinkers. We're going to get into that as we get through this season.

Speaker 1:

I think Simon makes the point that by adopting the infinite mindset we can actually achieve things that really make a lasting difference. That we can align purpose with our work and find fulfillment. That we can change work from this chore, this horrible requirement of being an adult. I have to go to work. I want a four-day work week, I want a three-day work week, I want a six-hour work day. Whatever it is, I hate my work. I don't find any fulfillment and we can turn it into a calling, a reason, a purpose, a place in the world that matters, something to actually be proud of, a stamp that we leave that proves that we were here.

Unleashing Leadership
Embracing the Infinite Mindset for Fulfillment and Impact

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